Anything more and the controls are too twitchy. You can easily reproduce the issue in Simulator Test Flight. Before going any further, I'd just like to clarify that this missile system is ONLY used on the FJ-4B VMF 232 that was offered during the Operation S.U.M.M.E.R. Powered by Invision Community. This page was last edited on 7 February 2023, at 10:16. I don't know. Operational method 1, granted, while it has a steeper learning curve, is both more historically accurate and balanced in terms of dynamic gameplay. Writer for EverythingWarThunder and owner of the 23rd Ghost Army historical battles group. All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. It consists of guiding the missile via the assigned keys from the pilot's line of sight at a maximum range in order to hit the target. Now, onto some general specifications for this missile system: @Iron_physikdid some data mining and found out some more info for y'all. I recommend you only fire when your target is slow, travelling fairly straight, not turning as hard as it can (though if it's doing this vertically it will bleed energy and that's a great time to fire) and when your seeker isn't on the edges of its gimbal track, as it will easily lose guidance while you're still finding a lock. We'll learn what missile statistics mean, all the missile types in the game, how they interact with your radar and how they are used in this conclusive guide to help you dominate the skies of high tier jet gameplay. The weapons selector is also useful in many other situations; such as for aircraft with multiple types of bombs, allowing you to chose which order to drop your bombs in, or multiple calibres of offensive armament, allowing you to conserve certain ammunition for more important engagements. Show more War Thunder 2012. Once the motor burns out,the horizontal acceleration is zero. Since the missile reaches it's top speed of 600 m/s after engine burnout, we can calculate the distance at which the missile flies relatively straight with little drop. During the first stage of the flight, the missile has to either rely on inertial guidance, act like a SARH missile, or be course-corrected by Datalink from the aircraft. First, we need to know how much total time elapsed between missile launch and missile impact, so we'll set up the equation as follows: Where Va= velocity of the aircraft in m/s, T = elapsed time, and Vm= the velocity of the missile. Ah, that I hadn't done. Launch the missile, then quickly press and hold "U." Keep the target in your sights. To obtain the best results using this method, climb to an altitude of at least 3 km (1.86 mi), out of SPAAG range, and a higher altitude then most aircraft spawn in. You should leave these untouched if you have already set them up. 20112023 Gaijin Games Kft. Essentially, a smart (or unskilled, depending on how you see it) pilot will simply hold "U" during the entire duration of the missile's flight, and use it to TV-guide the missile directly to the target. I forgot to take into account the acceleration due to gravity. IR missiles are great for short-range knife fights where you're manoeuvring to get in shot of the enemy. Distance from target on launch: Vertically lead the target: 0.5 km (0.31 mi) 0.06km (0.04 mi), 1.0 km (0.62 mi) 0.11 km (0.07 mi), 1.5 km (0.93 mi) 0.26km (0.16 mi), 2.0 km (1.24 mi) 0.44 km (0.27 mi), 2.5 km (1.55 mi) 0.68 km (0.42 mi). Locking may be a bit more difficult. albeit IS-7 could do 8.3.. It's way too overpowered and easy to use. If I screwed up badly, however, post your evidence and proof, and I'll correct my calculations accordingly. That is using Southernbear's setup with the exception of MGs and cannons set to mouse 1 and 2 respectively. It's important to note that if you turn too hard, the missile can lose track of your radar beam and will be wasted. - Sketching The "Switch secondary weapons" key can be pressed to activate the weapons selector and switch between launching the different suspended armaments. Each type of weapon can have its own key bind. If you'd like to acquire this jet, I'm pretty sure that you can find one for sale onthe WarThunder Market. Sometimes the missile fails to track the target even when you get a lock, but I think you can't see that from cockpit view (the missile reticle wobbles every time you have a bad lock). Read this section carefully, improperly setting up the weapons selector can lead to the inability to use any weapons. The missile would not fire in gunners view, I filed a bug report about it. It moves clockwise around the circle, and it shows the strength of the radar waves reflecting off the target - the more complete the circle, the stronger the signal. I have been able to hit targets in game (and in test flight) and seen it used against teammates in game as it does work..but maybe not consistently. Beam riding missiles are operated using a radar or laser beam to guide them to the target. Here is what I am doing step by step: What is wrong? Sometimes they just don't track, even though I have a radar lock, and if the target is any distance below the horizon or you are below 1000m, forget it. Thus, I'd recommend that you learn the standard operational method. Maximum overload: Maximum Gs the missile can pull during flight. SARH missiles were first introduced in the 1960s and were the next leap in air combat, establishing BVR (beyond visual range) engagements as the future and BVRAAMs as the main weapon. It's only much harder since you don't get a visual representation of the seeker at work. The centreline 500 lb bomb is selected. Is there a step by stepmanual how to exactly lock on and fire? Go to camera view, toggle thermal to find targets easier. All-aspect - These are more advanced IR AAMs that use an actively-cooled seeker head. You're wasting your time otherwise. Event FJ-4B Fury. 20112023 Gaijin Games Kft. All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. This page was last edited on 15 March 2023, at 18:53. I get the whole OP thing, remembering back to when the IS3 was released and literally quite impossible to pen effectively from the front and the havoc that ensued with the player base. Though if you have a set up which will allow guns to override weapons select, that would be fantastic. Please be aware we do not claim to be working with Gaijin in any way, content such as guides, videos and images have been submitted by original owners/contributors and may feature gameplay from Gaijin / War Thunder. As there are multiple types of air-to-air missile available (AIM-9G Sidewinders and Skyflashes), the name of the selected weapon has been displayed. In SB there are 2 gunner views, one for guns and air to air missiles and one for ATGMs. Default activation of the weapons selector mode at the start of a mission can be enabled in the options menu. 3. The link for the AGM vs. tank test mission doesn't work. The other reason why you need to count off in your head is because you need to know when to launch the missile. When an air-to-air missile is selected, pressing the "Fire secondary weapon" key once will activate the seeker, and a second time will fire the missile. However, I've done extensive testing, and I believe that my calculations are accurate to within a few seconds. Operational Method 1: Standard Guidance. 2.) In fact, you can go as far as being able to hit certain locations on your target. I have x data to prove this! Infrared homing missiles are similar in use to TV guided missiles, but feature an infrared imaging system instead of the optical camera, allowing heat sources (such as tanks) to be more easily differentiated and locked onto in cluttered environments and under low optical visibility conditions such as night-time. I've re-assigned by "fire air-to-air missile" key and it still doesn't fire. event mentioned previously; it is NOT an payloadoptionfor the FJ-4B in the regular tech tree. I don't know if this helps at all, but here's my setup: If I'm in weapon select mode, it still allows me to fire the cannon, even if the missile is active and tracking for example. Sparrows also seem to be rather hit and miss (pardon the pun). When launched from an aircraft, the SACLOS guided missile will fly towards the direction in which the aircraft's nose is pointing. The aircraft points a target-illuminating laser onto the desired target and when the missiles is fired it will fly automatically towards the laser point on the target. First and foremost, I'd like to congratulate you on managing to acquire the S.U.M.M.E.R. How is one supposed to use the new AIM-9 missiles exactly? As the camera does not provide any infrared information, it may sometimes be accidentally locked onto high contrast objects in the vicinity of the intended target instead, which can cause a miss if the target subsequently moves away from the area. I believe that this user mission is still available; in order to download it, follow the steps in the spoilerbelow: Step 2: Download the AGM vs Tu-4 user mission. I am test flying the SU and I can't change the red box. I try to fire Air to Air missile but it won't fire??? While the weapons selector is active the rockets cannot be fired by pressing the "Fire rocket" key, instead they must be fired by selecting them and pressing the "Fire secondary weapon" key. Fires the selected primary weapon, regardless of what type it is (only works while weapons selector mode is enabled). 3. If we want to find when to launch the missile, we'll have to work backwards a little bit. This can also often be set to centre automatically on a designated point on the ground (the "sight stabilization" keybind), which accounts for the relative motion of the helicopter and maintains the image in the gunner view, thus allowing for smooth guidance of the missile even when the helicopter is performing extreme manoeuvres. Semi Automatic Command to Line of Sight (SACLOS), Air-to-air missiles#Command guided missile controls, [Devblog] New features upcoming with the "Ixwa Strike" update - Tactical air-to-surface missiles, [Devblog] AGM-12B Bullpup: They can't dodge,, Keys to control the yaw (side to side) movement of the missile, Keys to control the pitch (up and down) movement of the missile. Removing the camera view is just one of these. When it does get disabled eventually, there will be those that say that the missiles are useless. For jets you can probably fire a bit further if they have their exhaust pointed at you. It is up to you what you bind this to, but it is probably a good idea to use the same key bind as one of your normal secondary weapons (bombs, rockets, missiles, etc.). I'm not going to bother explaining this method much, because it's so easy and IMO overpowered that anyone can master it extremely quickly. In War Thunder, this is represented by a single grey circle, showing the missile's detection cone. Finally, bind the "Exit selected weapon mode" control, this will restore the weapon controls mode to the standard mode. 2. PhlyDaily made avideo showcasinghow deadly this TV-guidance method is: One other attack strategy with using this missile system would be to launch it from the ground. Any Gs over this and the missile will simply not fire. You have to keep the target on the upper part of the HUD to keep the reticle lined up, above the crosshair. All rights reserved. At least make it have a limited range so the TV guided part can be used that would work it doesnt need to circle the entire length of the world like dovabear to just then hit its target. 20112023 Gaijin Games Kft. This method allows you to have better visibility on your target and the whole battlefield in general as you guide the missile in. Note that in-game these guidance systems might work differently than their respective real counterparts or the missiles might use a different guidance system than in reality. You assign a button for locking on, wait for it to get the target and fire with the firing button you use. Because the second you first spot the enemy silhouette, you have entered what I call the "safe launch zone," a distance of about 5.75kilometers (3.57mi) where you can guide your missile/pull off, and be relatively safe from enemy SPAAs. Fires the selected secondary weapon, regardless of what type it is (only works while weapons selector mode is enabled). There is no tracking camera or "TV-view" for the tracking of the rocket. At that point, start counting off the seconds inyour head. ARH missiles aren't yet represented in-game as of December 2021, but we will most definitely see them at some point in the near future. Step 3: Download the AGM vs Tank user mission(paste in UserMissions folder). I've set mine to use the arrow keys. Are you sure it's a bug? BUT. Then, just guide the missile to the target. You are removing ALL incentive for grinding or buying your way to the new vehicles other than just to have a "rare" vehicle in your hanger. You must first get a radar lock to fire SARH missiles, and you need to maintain that radar lock for the entire duration of the missile's flight, or else it will lose track and be wasted. I don't play SB. Cookie Notice Broadly speaking, there are two kinds of AAM: Missiles emerged shortly after WWII as the new form of air weaponry. Do you happen to still have the file? Once set up, it allows the player to cycle through their primary and secondary weapons, and fire them using the same bound key. With the weapons selector active, bombs cannot be dropped independently of the missiles, and must be selected in order to be dropped. The bombs and rockets can be used independent of the missiles. Launch range: Maximum range that the missile can travel before self-detonation. I cant find it anywhere. The 20 mm cannon pod is the Phantom FGR.2's only primary weapon, so it is selected and marked with an ">", it can be fired by pressing the "Fire primary weapon" key. Not the max range in practice - just the full distance it can travel. Because certain weapons (like ATGMs) can only be fired by one of the crew members (e.g. Step 2: Launching the missile. Information and UI is current as of the \"Danger Zone\" update in June 2022 which added the F-14 and Active Radar missiles.==============================I'm all over the place! I understand how to fire and guide AAMs, but what about AGMs? The final step is to determine how long it takes from the moment the aircraft enters the missile launch zone to the launch point, a simple calculation: Where TL= the elapsed time in seconds from the moment that the aircraft enters the missile launch zone to the moment the missile should ideally be launched. I've set mine to use the arrow keys. Maybe being able to get a lock in gunner view is the actual bug? Ok don't worry figured it out you need to assign a key to switch weapons, and a separate to "exit" the weapon select mode yikes thats dumb. Once the growling changes into a continuous tone you have a lock, so you press the launch button and let the missile do its job. Assuming that the acceleration due to gravity in the game is like that of the earth (-9.8 m/s^2), we can calculate the drop of the missile over this time period as follows: Where DV= the vertical drop (and hence the vertical lead)andT = equals the elapsed time since missile launch. Go to Controls -> Aircraft -> Weaponry, and scroll down to yaw/pitch axis for aimweapons (shown below). I'll update the post once it's fixed. Its RB. Once you have a lock, press this again and the missile will fire. At that point, the horizontal distance the rocket travels is determined by its horizontal velocity alone: Now, we can set up an equation for horizontal distance: Once we know "T," we cancalculate how much the missile drops during this period. As such, they are more sensitive to temperature changes and so they can detect the IR radiation-emitting off all the surfaces of an aircraft. that is your launch window. Remember, you're aircraft will be mostly traveling in a straight line while you're guiding the missile, making you easy food. Thank you all for reading, and good luck on the battlefield! I also get the fairness bit for those who don't have said vehicles hence immediate nerfs. if you have bombs on Space Bar, one could assign "Fire Secondary Weapon" also to Space Bar, because as said, whatever weapon firing it normally is assigned to will be overridden while in Weapon Selection Mode. So, I just got my first top-tier which is the german Mig-21MF, and just barely got the first missiles which are the R3-S (through literal torture of a grind, as the cannon is useless on this thing). By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The larger green square shows the limits of your camera, the smaller green square shows the firing limits of your missiles. The rest of the time, it says "load factor too high" and doesn't fire!! The first of this type of weapon were used in the Vietnam War. All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. You're using an early close-range missile. 1. chillobreeki 2 yr. ago. Report post Posted December 18, 2018 (edited) On 18/12/2018 at 12:41, EpicBlitzkrieg87 said: That's what they do in the game. Granted, it will take more practice and player skill to be successful, but ifyou masterOperational Method 1,you can still be just as effective at long ranges. LbLt for Air to air, LbRt for air to ground. So then, when do you launch the missile? I've been practicing on bots with this setup, well almost. 1. How to fire radar guided missiles in War Thunder Hunting Fox 569 subscribers Subscribe 352 Share 15K views 2 years ago #WarThunder #Tutorial A quick tutorial on how to fire Fox One type. Before I start to talk about actually using the weapons system, there are fournumbers that you all need to remember. By You'll need to assign key bindings for both. "3/2" means that of a total of three bombs, two are of the selected type (1,000 lb AN-M65A1). Then again, my key binds are all a mess, because we keep on having to add new things every patch. The SACLOS guidance system improves on MCLOS by having a device that calculates correction commands such that the gunner only has to point the sight of the targeting device at the target, and the appropriate correction commands will be performed by the device. You need a few seconds (around 5-6 seconds) for the missile to work. They were bad at tracking through ground clutter, but I'm pretty sure that many of their characteristics have been artificially nerfed, especially their speed. The intro of more current vehicles is leading to less than stellar knee jerk decision making by Gaijin. I still have buttons set for MGs and cannons, since I find that useful for mixed armament aircraft. I'm just going to briefly touch on how to set up the missile controls. While they generally have lower maximum overload than IR missiles, SARH missiles are not to be underestimated as you often don't see them coming from 10-30km+. Might help when you can't use gunner view of whatever reason (dead gunner, for example). So we've gone over what an air-to-air missile actually is, how they work in-game. Go to the dollar store and buy a can of computer cleaner and spray the shit out of your console. Cycles through your primary weapons (and enables weapons selector mode). MCLOS missiles require additional controls since they are player-guided. The HVAR rockets are selected and can be fired by pressing the "Fire secondary weapon" key. Here is a screenshot of the assigned controls you need to activate the "lock" and keep the target inside the smaller circle - the activation will "growl" and when locked, it will change then fire. Once this is done you'll hear the growling tone and the missile is ready to lock. (default key: space). Marathon. With theupcoming intro of Several new war time franchises competition for player base will get intense for the foreseeable future. Press lock-on button and 2 circles appear, I try to keep the target in the inner smaller circle and the beep beep beep converts into a long steady sound beeeeeeeeep (is that the lock-on confirmation?). This is the control which will fire your selected primary weapon (usually your guns), so you should bind it to the same key you usually use for your guns (left mouse button by default). I have tried air to ground missile launch, rockets, etc. (Time stamp was around 7:07, but apparently it doesn't show in the link I copied for some reason). Exactly. Later missiles have an "uncaged seeker" - where the IR-detecting electronics are mounted on a gimbal that can pivot and rotate, so the missile can detect and track targets that aren't necessarily directly in front of it, which helps to get an initial lock, allows your aircraft to "lead" ahead of the shot, and helps maintain a lock against a moving aircraft. It will appear as a only a small black dot, but be sure to watch for it. Operational Method 2: TV-Guidance METHOD IS NOW DISABLED! What the hell. You need to assign a button not only to "Select Secondary Weapon" but also "Fire Secondary Weapon" as when you're in Weapon Selection Mode, it overrides your normal fire button and looks instead for what button you assigned to "Fire Secondary Weapon". By different types of air-to air missiles, or different size bombs), then the name of the selected weapon will also be displayed. How do I do this with the air to ground ? By default air to air is Alt+X to activate the missiles and Alt+Space to fire them once locked. Enabling sight stabilization will also display the range to the target in the gunner view. All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. Flares are infrared countermeasures fired off by aircraft to counter infrared homing (heat-seeking) missiles. As the Phantom FGR.2 only has one primary weapon (the 20 mm gun pod) it is always selected and can be fired by pressing the "Fire primary weapon" key. After pressing "Fire air-to-air missile", 1-3 circles will display on your screen. They allow the ability to steer the projectile to engage even moving targets. 3. There are 2 main types of IR missiles: Rear-aspect - These are more basic IR AAMs that use a passively-cooled seeker head to detect and track an aircraft's heat. And you can still control the missile whilst tracking the missile. All this makes targeting and guidance much easier and even allows for moderate changes of aircraft movement at the same time. The Skyflashes can be fired by pressing the "Fire secondary weapon" key. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. In-game, they are a potent weapon to have at your disposal, allowing you to destroy enemy ground or naval targets from several kilometres away. Here is what i do when i launch the Orion. While hard to use and often unrewarding, these missiles can be really useful in dogfights where the enemy doesn't expect it or in head-ons where all the missiles at the BR ranges these missiles are used are rear-aspect - killing someone with a missile in a head-on often takes people by surprise, and they can be quite fun - I just can't recommend them to beginner pilots as they are not easy to use. Thus, the equation for horizontal distance until the rocket motor burns out is as follows: Where DHis the horizontal distance that the missile travels over the time period and AAvgis the average acceleration of the rocket over that time period. When the missile is ready and looking for a target in the "ACQ" (acquisition) mode, the circle will blink faster and sound a tone. Without the weapons selector the player must fire all their Sidewinders before they can fire their Skyflashes, however the bombs and rockets may be dropped at any time using their separate control. #1. I'll look into my key binds but I'm pretty sure I can shoot guns even without having them selected. Weapons selector mode is disabled, all four Sidewinder missiles must be fired before Skyflash missiles can be fired. This is particularly useful for aircraft with multiple types of air-to-air missiles, as different missiles have very different uses, and without the weapons selector you cannot chose which order to fire the missiles in. The Sidewinder is rather poor at tracking and I don't remember having to wait 6 seconds to get a lock with either missile in DCS, but I guess that's off-topic here. I tried this in SB and I can tell you already that reality is quite different from your description! Privacy Policy. that's it? Remember, while controlling the Bullpups is hard, they still have exceptional trajectory and payload. The seeker's head detects the emitted radar waves bouncing off the target and follows the detection to track the target. If go into the missile aiming view (with the green reticle), at the bottom of the screen you can see a green square with a smaller green square inside it. With the exception of self-guiding missiles, all helicopter-launched air-to-ground missiles are guided by the cursor (much like aircraft SACLOS missiles).
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