Click on the picture for video showing many different kinds of objects being levitated. Jerk., watch out white_matter, I feel a scalar wave coming! Much higher than that. Was it the CIA? he was asked. But, in these experiments, researchers observed that both boats floated on their respective surfaces, with the lower boat sailing upside down on the underside of the levitating liquid. Energy! but if you went back in time, told them to focus their efforts on potatoes and citrus fruit, theyd make the discovery using household items. He claimed that by rapidly rotating a disk of such material, the nuclear spin became aligned, and as a result created a "gravitomagnetic" field in a fashion similar to the magnetic field created by the Barnett effect. Scalar wave experiments such as this have an attractive-force-property regarding policemen and spca agents. [18] In July 1988, Robert L. Forward presented a paper at the AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE 24th Joint Propulsion Conference that proposed a Bondi negative gravitational mass propulsion system. The Hutchison Effect occurs as the result of radio wave interferences in a zone of spatial volume encompassed by high voltage sources, usually a Van de Graff generator, and two or more Tesla coils. First of all, the Hutchison Effect is a collection of phenomena which were discovered accidentally by John Hutchison during attempts to study the longitudinal waves of Tesla back in 1979. Scientists have made progress in unifying the three quantum forces, but gravity has remained "the problem" in every attempt. 1c3d0g said: White_Matter: shut your stupid little trap before someone does it for you. With the help of a magnetic pointer, they coaxed one boat to the top of the liquid and the other to the bottom. Just film some neat footage, talk about rewriting science, add a few big words that few people know the meaning of, then add a conspiracy theory or two, and people will just eat it up. First of all, no one has measured gravity for . Many of the videos include conspicuous objects in the scene which do not move (such as an old broom), which could be deliberately attached to add to the illusion that the camera is not upside-down. First, however, we'd just have to drastically alter our understanding of physics and figure out how to counter this powerful force. It is said to cause objects to defy gravity, cause metal to spontaneously fracture, cause dissimilar materials to fuse (such as metal and wood), and other strange phenomena. The Canadian military tries to . In other words, on top of all the empirical evidence directly from 9/11, there are also laboratory generated anomalies, using directed energy, that are strikingly similar to what we see at ground zero after 9/11. Area 51 Scientist Before Death Made Shocking Confessions About Aliens Manage Subscriptions. Smith made many important contributions to the development of radio technology, and had a particular interest in geo-magnetism. Jerk. The voltaic pile (which uses the same chemical reaction to make electricity) was invented over 200 years ago. Receive an email notification whenever we post new original content. On August 10, 1954, the Department of Transport issued a report/press release admitting that they had been performing UFO research for three-and-a-half years, and that considerable data had been collected, though no definite conclusions had been reached. Canada, UFO / October 31, 2014 by Bruce Ricketts / 5 Comments. Your email address will not be published. [9], On July 27, 2021, Ning Li died at the age of 79. The anti gravity suit was a collaboration between Franks and his Banting and Best Medical Research Institute colleagues at the University of Toronto. NASA's antigravity research. - Slate Magazine Physicists discover "anti-gravity" in bizarre buoyancy experiment - Inverse John Hutchison - RationalWiki "Anti-gravity" is often used to refer to devices that look as if they reverse gravity even though they operate through other means, such as lifters, which fly in the air by moving air with electromagnetic fields.[1][2]. Yup it does sound like bogus to me. He coined the names BiefeldBrown effect and electrogravitics in conjunction with his devices. He was posthumously awarded the Lieutenant-Colonel Keith S. Rogers Memorial Engineering Award. It reminds me of some science fiction movie from the 80s. The general population has this romatic idea of some lone genius in a basement who turns science on its head. Carl Sagan famously said that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and Hutchison offers no such evidence aside from easily faked videos and unsubstantiated claims. Although Smith did not officially spin the line that there were no UFOs, he did stoke the fires a bit shortly before his death. Now his findings are being investigated in laboratories worldwide. Hutchison IS an inventor, who stumbled onto something he thought was neat. Discoveries tend to lie in a direction thats understandable to us at the time, but the science is always there. A Passion for Science that Couldn't be Held Down. Alan Bellows is the founder/designer/head writer/managing editor of Damn Interesting. Pasadena, CA: Office of Naval Research. In the late 1940s, he found another interest, after reading a magazine article on flying saucers; Smith became convinced that flying saucers did exist, and that they are were propelled by magnetic forces. By 1939 Wilbert Smith was working for the federal Department of Transport. February 16, 1999 Brown made the claim to observers and in the media that his experiments were showing anti-gravity effects. When Thomas Townsend Brown discovered that electrostatic and gravitational fields are closely intertwined, the world changed. In fact, he says, that trust came into play at their very first APEC planning meeting. But much valuable science has been done by eccentrics who are mocked by the rest of the scientific community in their time so it is possible that his claims are indeed valid. white_matter said: Besides, hes Canadian. Nuff said.. [21], During the close of the twentieth century NASA provided funding for the Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Program (BPP) from 1996 through 2002. I have recently heard reports of a researcher claiming to have produced Who pays his power bills and where does he live cause i certainly dont wont to be living anywhere near this guy for fear of a horrible electrcution death! Sc., visits an unnamed Hindu man masquerading as a viticulturist somewhere on the Pacific coast who claims to have invented a flying boat that uses an "apergent"a rare metal called "radlum"to produce controlled apergic force, allowing the vessel to ascend and descend. Look, dammit, just because someone is baked at the time doesnt mean they didnt make the ice cream fly around the roomwait, what? And it is a pretty amazing conpect. One video shows a spoon flapping up and down like a limp rag in a stiff breeze. In my opinion DamnInteresting is at its best when it covers phenomena that are a) little-known and b) indubitably true. . His living space is absolutely crowded with oscilloscopes, digital readouts, gauges, switches, lights, receiver dishes, chains, and all manner of hardware. The Scientist That "Discovered Antigravity" Then Disappeared Completely Watch "The Scientist That "Discovered Antigravity" Then Disappeared Completely - An Unsolved Mystery" on YouTube 22min. The objective of this Canadian-directed project was to investigate the efficiency of various types of g-suit inflation techniques. The middle section contains the abdominal bladder, and the sections on the sides contain five bladders for each leg. In the article, a scholar named Jonathan Campbell said: The first thing to understand is that Li Ning The doctor's device is neither an anti-gravity machine nor a gravitational field shield. The picture in the article seems to show a hidden spoon soaked with ice cream being elevated probably by a magnet. "Thomas Townsend Brown: Electro-Gravity Device" (File 24-185). July 29, 2002. Hey, just because I live in Hawaii, doesnt mean everything has to do with Spam! For example, take those novelty clocks you can power with a potato. In the experiments, conducted over an 18 month period at CERN's antimatter factory (yes, such a place really exists), the scientists found that matter and antimatter particles responded to. When asked later if he returned the piece to the Air Force, he replied, Not the Air Force. It does not refer to the lack of weight under gravity experienced in free fall or orbit, or to balancing the force of gravity with some other force, such as electromagnetism or aerodynamic lift. Hutchisons work, it doesnt look like he thinks much of it. Matter and antimatter respond to gravity in the same way, study finds I would imagine that an object, suddenly released from the bonds of gravity, would start moving in a straight line relative to the spin of the Earth, yes?. Is Anti-Gravity Real? Science Is About To Find Out - Forbes At first Hutchison claimed that it was a wire which was part of the apparatus, but later he confessed that he was creative with the footage because he has been unable to reproduce the effect since 1991. Neither is the levitation effect achieved in 2007 by countering Casimir force, a quantum force that essentially causes objects to stick to one another -- a type of nanofriction [source: ScienceDaily]. Universal Gravity is a theory, not a fact, regarding the natural law of attraction. If you wish to repurpose this copyrighted work, you must obtain permission. [13] Winners include California astrophysicist George F. Smoot (1993), who later won the 2006 Nobel Prize in physics, and Gerard 't Hooft (2015) who previously won the 1999 Nobel Prize in physics.[14]. Hathaway, G., Cleveland, B., and Bao, Y., "Gravity Modification Experiment using a Rotating Superconducting Disc and Radio Frequency Fields," Physica C, 385, 488500, (2003). Discovering what anti-gravity could mean in these fields offers great potential for future research, write the authors. It is surmised by some researchers that what Hutchison has done is tap into the Zero Point Energy. Now, to give an analogy: If you take a thin rubber sheet, say, lay it on a table and put . The anomalous heating exhibited by the Hutchison Effect shows plainly that we have much to learn, especially where thermodynamics and electromagnetism meet. The name for phenomena that show no spatiotemporal variation is: nonexistent. The focus for the future, then, is first to increase the frequency of occurence of the effects, then to achieve some degree of precision in their control. None of these devices have ever been demonstrated to work under controlled conditions, and have often become the subject of conspiracy theories as a result. As always, your article on Hutchison is DI!! A reduction in mass together with an increase in the heat energy certainly creates anti-gravity grounds for a realistic explanation of the expansion of intergalactic distances (expanding universe) with an acceleration. In 1892, Charles Henry Turner was the first Black scientist to be published in Science. Covering items like the Hutchison Effect that are probably false detracts from the rest of the site. Antigravity technology would revolutionize space exploration and energy production. Since you enjoyed our work enough to print it out, and read it clear to the end, would you consider donating a few dollars at ? In 1996, Russian migr scientist . All text/images/media copyright their respective creators 1c3d0g said: White_Matter: please keep your racist remarks to yourself (and no, Im not Canadian, but I have good Canadian friends)..