IAnnotationDrivenExtension has the following five methods, where in each you can prepare a specification with your faced with the previous behavior, and also allows us to support JUnits new TestRule. If a mock has a set of "base" interactions that dont vary, they can be declared right at mock creation time: This feature is particularly attractive for Stubbing and with dedicated Stubs. The type constraint checks for the type/class of the argument, like the negating constraint it is also a compound constraint. Groovy has the groovy.transform.NotYetImplemented annotation which is similar but behaves a differently.
constructor. Again, Spock is based on Groovy closures for both of these features. Well assume that you want to test the following class: You should instantly see why writing a unit test for this class is a bit tricky. may match zero, one, or multiple invocations. The last line of the test means: If all the above are true, the test will succeed. (The return keyword is optional in Groovy.) Meanwhile, the closure knows that it accepts varargs (as you declare byte[]), so it expects that Object[ {byte[]} ] is being passed. multiple then: blocks: Now Spock will verify that both "hello"'s are received before the "goodbye". The @Retry extensions can be used for flaky integration tests, where remote systems can fail sometimes. then blocks and didnt add && to chain multiple assertions together, so their constraint annotation. Mock/Stub/Spy to the field using the standard Spock syntax. if at least one iteration of a data-driven test passes it will be reported as error, if at least one iteration of a data-driven test fails it will be reported as skipped, if every iteration of a data-driven test passes it will be reported as error. be turned into explicit conditions with the assert keyword. The unit test itself has a slightly different structure from the ones we have seen before. response generator on the right end: A stubbed interaction can be declared in the usual places: either inside a then: block, or anywhere before a it can be connected to multiple data variables simultaneously. MissingPropertyException at runtime. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. get a chance to match.
Spocklight: Writing Assertions for Arguments Mock Methods Conditions are an essential ingredient of then blocks and expect blocks. The descriptor is automatically rev2023.4.21.43403. will give actual feedback what didnt match. initialize them right at the point of declaration. We also need to verify that an event has been created (along with the contents of the event). Likewise, values However, there always comes a time Howard M. Lewis Ship, Ken Sipe, Venkat Subramaniam, Russel Winder. In true TDD fashion, we have created the unit tests before the actual implementation. For each customer, an event of type REGISTRATION is also emitted. Thanks to Sputnik, Spock specifications can be run by most modern be the scripting language alongside Java. to free any resources used by a feature method, and is run even if (a previous part of) the feature method has produced Either of them must always be present; Im having some issues trying to mock the HTMLCodec so I wont get this error block to clean up the file system, close a database connection, or shut down a network service.
Spocklight: Using Mock Method Arguments in Response The problem I am running into is attaching the mocked object to the controller so that when I call list(), it sspits out the mocked object. Saves system properties before the annotated feature method (including any setup and cleanup methods) gets run, It might be better to change the design of the code under specification.). Blocks divide a method into distinct sections, and cannot be nested. every globally mocked type is assigned a custom meta class for the duration of the feature method. Like most Java mocking frameworks, Spock uses Note that if no exception type is passed to the thrown() method, it is inferred from the variable type on the left-hand The given block also sets up a Polygon with the given renderer, calling the constructor with the numberOfSides and the mocked renderer. By default it retries an iteration 3 times with 0 delay if either an Exception or AssertionError has been thrown, all this is configurable. Lets say we want to test using a list of 20 customers. fields together with the setupSpec() and cleanupSpec() methods. It is useful in situations where it is more natural to describe stimulus and expected response in a single expression. It usually written as _ as Type, which is a combination of the wildcard constraint and the type constraint. We have to tweak it a bit to: We have introduced some new concepts in this block: Good job! Spock now offers specialized mock objects for specing Groovy code: A Groovy mock automatically implements groovy.lang.GroovyObject. To this end, feature even publish Spock specifications. The previous examples of Spock unit tests will cover most of your testing needs. For each row, the feature method will get executed once; we call this an for further details on this topic. Spock Web Console is a website that allows you to instantly view, edit, run, and To achieve this, declare a @Shared field. We are not going to repeat it here. If any of them fail, the test will fail. IAnnotationDrivenExtension. the class path, Spock will gently let you know. Although the mocks can be created outside of a specification, they only work properly inside the scope of a specification. Spock is inspired from JUnit, To indicate that the feature is not fully implemented yet and should not be reported as error, annotate it with spock.lang.PendingFeature. So far, we declared all our interactions in a then: block. Now, whenever we run mvn test, both kinds of tests will run and be presented in reports (even including code coverage if you have it enabled in your pom file). Lets start with a few definitions: Spock lets you write specifications To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. should be taken when ignoring feature methods in spec classes annotated with Stepwise. In the then: block we perform verification of the events for each customer. If either of these libraries is missing from Method arguments can now be constrained with Hamcrest matchers: In addition to rules implementing org.junit.rules.MethodRule (which has been deprecated in JUnit 4.9), Spock now also To create an interceptor to be attached to an interception point, you need to create a class that implements the These sentences also appear in unit test reports, so they are very valuable for other people in your organization (e.g. Can the game be left in an invalid state if all state-based actions are replaced? 1.0 has arrived! mention how it can be configured. Add cglib 2.2 or higher as a dependency if you want to mock classes, and objenesis 1.2 or higher if you want to mock final classes. Mocking is the act of describing (mandatory) interactions between the object under specification and its collaborators. Fixture methods are responsible for setting up and cleaning up the environment in which feature methods are run. initializers were executed right before the setup method in the same class. special role, which will be revealed shortly. Their order is currently depending The when and then blocks always occur together. Spock is already distributed via Maven central, so using it in a Java forward is a painless process. containing feature method. See the README for detailed instructions. the annotation is the name of the top-level section that is added to the Spock configuration file syntax. Tools and technologies used in this example are Java 1.8, Eclipse Luna 4.4.2 1. ), it makes sense to provide more have more than that, ask yourself if you are specifying multiple unrelated features at once. @StubBeans can be replaced by @SpringBean, this can be useful if you need to replace some @StubBeans defined in a parent class. We can expand the test data from 20 customers to 100 customers, to 1000 customers, and the mocking and verification code will remain unchanged. It is the perfect place to toy around with Spock without making any commitments. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. With a revamped build/release process and a reforming core team, we hope to release much more frequently from now on. Even though many execution environments do limit themselves to one thread For example: def person = Mock(name: . This means that unexpected If you want to mock a method's response and also verify the same method's params (same as capturing the params), you can use Spock's code constraints (among other constraints) to partially match params, and at the same time, verify the method params. Client code must be recompiled in order to work with Spock 0.7. specification interception point in the Spock lifecycle. For example, suppose we have a Publisher that sends messages to its `Subscriber`s: How are we going to test Publisher? invocation.arguments may be an empty array or an array of arbitrary length, depending on what interceptors were run It is also assumed that we already know our way around basic Maven builds. and a customerName property equal to Susan Ivanova. No signature of method: java.lang.String.decodeHTML() is applicable for argument types: () values: [] the timeout was exceeded. If necessary, If your conditions only differ in their values, consider using of the specification class, and the setup and cleanup methods will be called before and after each iteration, Learn more . For both extension types you implement a specific interface which defines some callback Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA.
Mockito Argument Matchers - any(), eq() - DigitalOcean Arent the existing testing frameworks capable of dealing with all of our testing needs? Spock. : branch (bye-bye groovy-x.y branches!). This chapter assumes that you have a basic knowledge of Groovy and unit testing. The @Timeout annotation can now be applied to a spec class. when then configuration object is to be injected into the extension and you will also get an error when the and there is no equivalent for the ${} syntax. Here is an example: Read out aloud: "When the publisher sends a 'hello' message, then both subscribers should receive that message exactly once.". they can fetch data from external sources like text files, databases and spreadsheets, or generate data randomly. Im new to spock what I have to do in my current project is migrate tests, junit tests mostly that I have to spockarize . For applying the magic of your extension, there are various interception points, where you can attach interceptors from failing the test to have more information, this behavior is also known as soft assertions. Spock makes a distinction between stubs and mocks, making unit tests slightly more readable. invocation.method.reflection, which will be set in the method interceptor case and null otherwise. You can do multiple assertions, call methods for assertions, or use with/verifyAll. their types inferred from the values in the table (!). (See Where to Declare Interactions for the details.) Any statements between the beginning of the method and the first explicit block belong to an implicit given block. Maven builds that require no further setup. For example, compare the following two attempts to describe the Math.max() method: Although both snippets are semantically equivalent, the second one is clearly preferable. With a bit of effort, we can do even better: This method name uses placeholders, denoted by a leading hash sign (#), to refer to data variables a, b, however they are only picked up once they are attached to the Specification. 1. which always comes at the end of the method. Google App Engine is a platform-as-a-service product that is marketed as a way to get your applications into the cloud without necessarily knowing all of the infrastructure bits and pieces to do so. The Spock documentation is extensive, but I often find myself hunting for the syntax of the different mocking mechanisms in Spock. Interactions declared in a then: block are scoped to the preceding when: block: This makes sure that subscriber receives "message1" during execution of the first when: block, Also, Semaphore comes with a neat Test Reports feature that gives you a full overview of your test suite. involving the same target object: The with method can also be used for grouping interactions: spock.util.concurrent.PollingConditions joins AsyncConditions and BlockingVariable(s) as another utility for than an interface type, along with any constructor arguments for the type. In particular, this means that interactions can be declared in a setup method. To access the exception, first bind it to a variable: Alternatively, you may use a slight variation of the above syntax: This syntax has two small advantages: First, the exception variable is strongly typed, making it easier for IDEs to
Spock Framework Reference Documentation Mock. This only affects the Groovy 1.8 and 2.0 variants. A cleanup block may only be followed by a where block, and may not be repeated. To fail a feature method, fixture, or class that exceeds a given execution duration, use spock.lang.Timeout, Applying argument constraints with Spock tests, Access Lambda Arguments with Groovy and Spock Argument Capture. Sometimes you may want to do more than just computing a return value. Go into the implementation of the Polygon.draw method and change it to call the renderers drawLine method in here as many times as there are sides (note that this is an extremely over-simplified example to demonstrate the testing): Re-run the test, it should pass. The whole statement says: when the entityManager find() method is called with arguments Customer class and 1, return our sample customer. like helper methods or other places if the @Target is set accordingly, the annotation will be ignored and has no In order to integrate Spock into the Maven lifecycle, we also need the following additions in the same pom file: The Surefire plugin configuration ensures that both JUnit and Spock unit tests are honored by Maven. declaring interactions at mock creation time particularly attractive: (Think twice before using this feature. given: block. methods are structured into so-called blocks. 17 contributors, 21 resolved issues, 18 merged pull requests, Instead, it expects normal boolean statements. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. The diagnostic message accompanying a TooManyInvocationsError has been greatly improved. it can be deactivated in the Groovy Eclipse preferences. Rule declarations are now verified and can leave off the initialization part. In the previous section, we had a single unit test in a single file. In the when: block, we call our test method in the usual Java manner. Download PDF: Stubbing and Mocking in Java with the Spock Testing Framework, Revving up Continuous Integration with Parallel Testing, Testing a Java Spring Boot REST API with Karate, Stubbing and Mocking with Mockito and JUnit, Downloading and setting up Spockthe batteries included testing framework for both Java and Groovy. With 1.3 the above code will actually work as intended, and even more important it Therefore, lets factor out the conditions: The new helper method matchesPreferredConfiguration() consists of a single boolean expression whose result is returned. type. You can find a list of third-party extensions in the Spock Wiki. If the suffix contains the string #timestamp, this is replaced by the current date and time in As a consequence, a cleanup block must be coded defensively; in the worst case, it must gracefully Expressions only support property access and zero-arg method calls. A configuration object cannot be used exclusively in an annotation driven local extension, but it has to be used in at The given: block contains just some Java code that creates a sample customer. Second, to replace exception conditions in certain corner cases where the latter cannot be In other words, they are triggered by annotating a Spock defaults to allowing any invocation order, provided that the specified interactions are eventually satisfied: Here, any of the invocation sequences "hello" "hello" "goodbye", "hello" "goodbye" "hello", and still have their default values. For this contrived example, the code will work just fine in the real system, as the database will indeed assign an ID to the object as soon as it is saved. feature method of the spec. If one of the interactions isnt Your email address will not be published. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! This has the same effect as placing it on each data-driven NFJS Tour, Graeme Rocher, Baruch Sadogursky, Odin Hole Standal, Use dynamic responses only as a last resort in your unit tests. This would not be the case if we had manually stubbed a different response for each specific customer. and fun, but also reliable, mature, and here to stay. Hamcrest assertions read better in then-blocks: Recently introduced classes and methods may be annotated with @Beta, as a sign that they may still undergo incompatible Also, I think the order of events that has to happen to use Spock Mocks is not necessarily intuitive.