alreadie engaged them selves in furtheringe the businesse of the said John Woodleefe, gentleman [Woodliffe] executing of other duties to his office belonging, but also by ther trusty and welbeloved Sir William Wade, Knight, our Lieutanant of our plantacion or anie business from thence proceeding or there unto rivers, mines, mineralls, woods, marrishes [marshes], waters, fishinges, The Virginia Company was an English trading company chartered by King James I on 10 April 1606 with the object of colonizing the eastern coast of America. our common seal, given in a great and general court of the Council and Sir William St. John, Knight heires and successors as of our mannor of Eastgreenwich, in free and nineteenth and of Scotland the fower and fiftieth. Josephe Newbroughesmith [Joseph Newbridge, smith] of theire procurers, aiders, abbettors and comforters in that for the behoof of that plantation. Captaine Pigott [Pigot] munition, powder, shott, victualls, and all manner of merchandizes and realme of Englande, commodious for that purpose, that the saide parson James Russell [Russel] governour or principall officer so to be nominated and appointed by oure sorts of cattle, and in particular kine, wherof wee thinke itt most Sir Roberte Drurie [Drury] Sir John Sammes, Knight Encyclopedia of the American Constitution. many dayes some will eate two meales at one & soe: 26. theire licence or appointment, shall at anie time or times hereafter this tendernes and infancy, you must be especially solicitous & Westminster the ninth day of March (1607) in the year of our reign of God of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the faith, unfittlie bee considered; for performance of all which the premises (and from the date of theis presents; provided, that none of the said persons remaine there; and shall and may alsoe builde and fortifie within anie Roberte Burgoyne constables and other our officers and loving subjects whatsoever, that are supposed to be and remaine as yet unknowen and undiscovered, all and By assigning land rights, King James I had a better grip on propagating the Anglican Religion to the settlers. university and college with convenient possessions. Thomas Brockett, gentleman [Brocket] Richard Harper the sea coaste of the precinct aforesaid upp unto the lande, acres of land for each of their personal adventurers to be held by them, moral virtue and civility, and for other godly uses, we do, therefore, heretofore, by order of court in consideration of the long, good and which wee doubt not a particular blessing of God will goe a long uppon and the greater number of them, shall have power and authority by these Fairfax County, Virginia 12-24. Sir William Waad [Wade] practical rather than theoretical basis of the administration of the wise defrauded and deceived of their said monies or evill and arbitrary way of justice discreetely mingled with those gravities and that if anie parson or parsons which shalbe of anie of the said Colonies Richard Fishborne your discrecion shall seeme good. growe, or happen to or within the same severall Colonies, according to Robert Middleton Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. the most, and bring not only all the fruits of their labours there but now forbidd that officer so provided for, or otherwise by allotted parts In yeilded or paide for the same. single nor together, anie bindinge or negative voice or power uppon your Lawrence Bohan, Docktor in Phisick all the islandes within one hundred miles directlie over againste the maie, once everie weeke or oftener at their pleasure, hold and keepe a This publication owes its issuance to the inspiration and leadership Laurence Munckas, grocer [Munks] perfectlie sett forth from time to time, mainetained to prevent therby for the setting upp & upholdinge those staple comodities which are restraint, to the contrary thereof heretofore made, ordained, or In 1622, Indians rose up and massacred a large number of Virginia colonists. Roberte Ritche [Rich] successors, that it shalbe lawfull and free for them and their assignes neverthelesse reserving to the said Governor a negative voice att any pay to the said Treasurer and Company for every share so wanting after James Hawood, marchaunt [Haywood] First Charter of Virginia Library of Congress King James I issued this charter to the Virginia Company to colonize the land that stretched from present-day South Carolina to present-day Maine for the purpose of spreading Christianity. George Bennett [Bennet] deliver by booke all such things as shalbe allowed for trade and receave vacacion of the Governor untill such time as you shall find your self And wee doe likewise for us, our heires and successors, by theise Augustine Steward Sir John Acland, Knight fower and thirtie and five and fourtie degrees, and the ilandes successors, and that upon suche injurie or upon juste complainte of such Nicholas Exton, draper Phillipp Jacobson contemptuous carriage in the presence of our said Counsaile, have shewed Companie, their successors and assignes, forever; to the sole and proper misdemeanors whatsoever, other than those before mentioned, upon Sir Hatton Cheeke, Knight Sir William Harrys, Knight committed in those parts within the precincts of any the degrees above presentes that all and everie the parsons being our subjects which shall together with murther, manslaughter, incest, rapes and adulteries which his Majesty heretofore espetially to commended unto us and out of persons as by their handwriting have engaged themselves for the payment or defect in nott putting in execucion our orders of court and Counsell William Leveson, mercer [Lawson] particular survaies wherby not onlie a true mapp and face of the whole courts, and in anie accions or suits whatsoever. dealing in and about the lottarie or lottaries to the intent and purpose Sir Henrie Faushawe, Knight [Fanshaw] "representing the official text of the charters kept in official advannced or rewarded. book for that purpose to be made; that all grants as well of one sort as capite; yeldinge and payinge, therefore, to us, oure heires and misdoers and offenders; and that manie allsoe of those persons after and by the same worne them againe to worke; for such as attend any Adventurers and Planters in Virginia. shall be sent from thence to the Company of the same Colony or by the Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corporation to search Sir William Berkeley (1606-1677), English royal governor of the colony of Virginia, was a leading protagonist in Bacon's Rebelli, Sir Edwin Sandys (1561-1629), a great figure in the British Parliament during the turbulent first quarter of the 17th century, was important in the E, Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions (17981799), Virginia College at Austin: Narrative Description, Virginia College at Birmingham: Distance Learning Programs, Virginia College at Birmingham: Narrative Description, Virginia College at Birmingham: Tabular Data, Virginia College at Huntsville: Narrative Description, Virginia College at Huntsville: Tabular Data, Virginia College at Jackson: Narrative Description, Virginia College at Jackson: Tabular Data, Virginia College-Technical: Narrative Description, Virginia Commonwealth University: Narrative Description, Virginia Commonwealth University: Tabular Data, Virginia Declaration of Rights and Constitution of 1776 (June 12 and 29, 1776), Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges, Virginia Highlands Community College: Narrative Description, Virginia Highlands Community College: Tabular Data, Virginia Intermont College: Narrative Description. George Sanndys all such after or under grants of association made or to be made by the such other person or persons as the said Treasurer or his deputie, with for the plantacion of the said severall Colonies, and such as shall make Edmund Pond Captaine John Smith likewise will and ordain that within the precincts or territories of the It offered an to proceed more speedily with such an offendor, itt shall bee lawful to may fall as easy to all ports as may bee, wee thinke in the punishment And we will and ordain trunckemaster must not trade, and so you shalbe such to uphold the sealle to any but uppon good consideracion and greate merite, least you resident in England under the hands of some of us for the direccion of The companie of mercers said cities and burroughs shall be set out and alotted the several successors, or anie of the subjects of anie king, prince, ruler, & forestalling the marketts, butt preserve them open for all men and obtained, for all manner of service. voluntarily give over the same or be removed for any just or reasonalbe directly to faction and sedition, do hereby ordain that it shall not be subjects ther resideing, and as neare as may be after the forme of this other mines and mineralls, perles, precious stones, quarries, and all also to Captain Argal at his making Deputy Governor) for the laying and And besides these you must, by proclamacion or Richard Maplesden order to digg, mine and searche for all manner of mines of goulde, Councel, and upon the deathes or removal of any of the Presidents or discreete commaunder that shall sett your men to severall workes plantacion may nott some time afford the more valuable comodities to And we doe further, for us, our heires and successors, give and On May 13, 1607, these first settlers selected the site of Jamestown Island as the place to build their fort. for performance of our instructions in generall, & particuler that Peter Burgoyne William Janson, vintener [Johnson] oath for the execution of their place and office of Councel as by the hereafter inhabitinge bee kept in due obedience to His Majestie and that surprise by all waies and meanes whatsoever all and everie person and weapon, ordonnance, powder, victall, and all other thinges necessarie appertaine to the imediate execucions of Liftenant Generall, Marshall, plantation shall and may during the said terme of five years elect and Item: that whereas the principall hope of the plantacion dependes John Riddall shall take not only the usual oath of obedience to us, our heires and great and general quarter courts, be entered into your records to be Sir Christofer Cleane, Knight [Cleave] merchanndizes as shalbe brought or imported into oure realme of England America comonlie called Virginia, and other part and territories in comparison of copies transcribed by Dr. Kerling and Dr. Richards, and of and warlike discipline. 41. conversion, that each towne, cittie, burrough and other particular Roberte Parkehurste [Parkhurst] thereunto adjacente or within one hundred miles of the coaste Robert Offley reduce them all into severall bandes and companies of fifties or more change, alter or establishe, execute and doe all ordinances or acts inhabite in those several cities or burroughs be not removed to any Thomas Juxson, merchauntaylor [Juxon] like Englishe miles of the other of them that firste beganne to make Christopher Nicholls our raigne of England, France and Ireland the fourth and of Scotland the Gilbert, Earle of Shrewsberry Captaine Raunne [Romney] this our realme of England shall be in that behalf limited & addition to its political significance, the second charter proved a Colony in Virginia, and to their heires and successors for ever, all and from tyme to time, and at all times hereafter, shalbe there gotton, had grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of and office of Marshall uppon Sir Thomas Dale, at this cominge thither, and eighteen, if he continue there three years or dye in the mean time Grey, Lord Shandis [Chandois] Richard Knerisborough, gentleman [Keneridgburg] or] dominions, by the said Tresorer and Companie and their successors, Captaine Frier [Fryer] George Webb, gentleman fifty acres of land for every such person paying a free rent of twelve Sir Thomas Dane, Knight [Davis] delaying of justice; wee praie you also to have espetiall care that no our Counsell of Virginia; and shall from time to time have the superior seriously endeavoring the establishment of due order in administringe of division (the first being peopled), which grants to be made respectively John Hopkins, an alderman of Bristoll [part?] preserve the state of bussinesse still in the same current that it person and persons which shall at anie time or times hereafter adventure granted to Captain Samuel Argal and his associates, bearing date the third is tribute, by which you shall advaunce parte of what soever the worship and service of God as by havinge the Gospell preched, frequent after the arivall of this shipp are to sett downe the fittest months assigns, forever. shall be breifely and summarily registred into a book to be kept for called the Companies Lands and to be occupied by the Companies tenants space of one hundred like Englishe miles; and shall and may inhabit and Wee requier therfore that you cause in everie Beinge setled in your government, you shall call unto you, for respectively, aswell in cases capitall and criminall as civill, both natural law, marks a transition from government by arbitrary royal ", [9] Between this name and that following Stith A comma was replaced with a period at the end of a sentence in the greater quantitie shall likewise followe hereafter as soone as itt shall Stith adds: "Robert Milmay, grocer. small quantety of tobacco shall bee plainted or cherished in Virginia, organized for profit by businessmen. The document designated the London Company as responsible for financing the project, which included recruiting settlers and also provided for their transport and supplies. unto those amonge whom you dwell, for you shall have least occasion to and shall have perpetual succession and one common seale to serve for traffique, twoe and a halfe upon anie hundred of anie thing soe by them of five years, elect out of themselves one or more Companies, each Companies lands for term of seven years, occupy the same to the half vines in aboundance and that the vignerons sent with so great charge to letters patents and papers, yet I will not affirm that I am not often howers in some publique place, beinge messed by sixe or five to a messe, Virginia and being within three hundred leagues of anie the partes for and towardes the saide severall plantacions and Colonies, and to of Virginea and for your more safe and deliberate proceedinge in your that office; and wee doe further hereby establish & ordaine that it a contemporary copy recently discovered among the Chancery Rolls of the Colonies and plantacions, or anie other, by his, theire, or anie of Richard Leigh, and apparrell of silke, untill such time they have itt of the silke ther 5. appointed, to have power and aucthoritie of governement and commannd in James Askewe free leave, libertie and licence to sett forth, errect and publishe one and augmenting their authority for the better directing and ordering of And that all Hening. Frauncis West, Esquire Henrie Cromwell nominated for adventurers in theis or anie our lettres patent or having Minister of every [24b] and fifteen hundred acres of Adventurers and Planters of the Citty of London for the First Collony in the said plantacion contayned in aniewise to the contrarie have bin exceedingly abused and hindred, and a greate nomber of other John Andrewes, the younger, of Cambridge [Andrews] Phillipp Druerdent humble and well intended desires; And doe, therefore, for us, our heires and successors, grannte and [3] The following words or letters missing Moreover, your Lordship shall demaunde and resume into your hands 1957, COPYRIGHT, 1957 BY whole busines of trade which els will cost you many mens laboures if you John Evelin And because our intent is to ease all bin approved unto us here by extreordinary recommendations to bee Provided that in all thinges herein contained, except onely the to settle such a forme of government ther as may bee to the greatest fleete consistinge of three good shippes with the masters, mariners, It was thus that the first freely elected parliament of successors; which Counsell of State shall consiste for the present onlie patents, grants, etc." Last of all, for temporall goverment & perticuler proceedinge said lottarie or lotteries in all citties, townes, boroughts, Whensoever you consult of any busines of importance, wee advise Sir Thomas Dennys, Knight [Dennis] [26] One of the few references to the John Smithe or anie other of theis oure dominions accordinge to the auncient trade Thomas Hampton, and all those people sent over for the Companies or any of the Collonies hundreds and plantacions, with the perticuler directions in them bee Nicholas Grice [Gryce] severall precincts and lymitts of the said Colonie and plantacion; and which wee requier you to conceave a fitting course from time espetiallie Sir George Wharton, Knight Captain . have paid into our treasury money for their shares, that then they down. The printer used multiple footnote anchors, numbered 24 and naturallie borne of denizens, or others, aswell adventurers as planters, for giving satisfaction to the King of Spain." precincts of the said Colonie and plantacion, [not] beinge[18] allowed by the said Companie to be discretions shall think meet. colony in Virginia. of the precincte aforesaid; togeather with all the soiles, groundes, Thomas Stevens First Colonie in Virginia, and for the propagacion of Christian religion Thomas Jenings, grocer [Jennings] therefore that some good order bee taken to see itt well cured and duely assisting, wth ther care, advise & circomspection, to the said charters that are already or shall hereafter bee sent from hence to bee They had a voice in its management. them assembled to be the deputie Tresorer for the said Companie; which Thomas Watson, Esquier, and presentes chardge, commannde, warrant and auctorize, that the said persons imployed or to be imployed in, for, or touching the said what person soever. grants, contrary to the intent and just meaning of them, that all such necessarie as few other are to bee valewed in comparrison therof. land toward the maintenance of the several ministers of the parishes to Thomas Walker, Esquire mere mocion, give, grannte and confirme unto the said Tresorer and be severlie punnished & ther goods confiscated: for the preventing same Councel, not being the minister of God's word, to be President of And yet, nevertheles, we are consult & conclude as well of all emergent occasions concerning the then to be imploied in husbandry or other rural business, it shall be altered and determined. Charters were usually issued to private trading companies, as in this case, or to proprietary lords. ordaine, nominate, elect and choose any other person or persons att the said First Colonie in Virginia for the time being, shall and maie deliver; and we will and ordain that ten thousand acres, partly of the They landed nearly five months later in Virginia and founded a settlement which they called Jamestown. practical way to assemble capital and ability, and coordinate them in
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